Monday, January 11, 2016

Johns Rain forest Adventure
by Pablo Venegas 
John was an adventurous guy that liked the outdoors and has been pretty much all over the world and done everything except for one thing. John has never been to the Amazon Rain forest and really wanted to go soon. The time for john finally came, He had time and money to go to the Rainforest. as soon as he got there he really wanted to go hiking right away. He was unfortunately not able to go that day.   

The next day he went to hiking right away and was fully prepared, or at least he thought so. As John was entering the Rainforest he was nervous of what could happen but was enjoying his hike. He was walking around the forest not knowing where he was going but as he was walking he saw all these different type of dangerous and venomous animals and was getting more and more nervous.

While he was hiking up a fairly steep hill he noticed that something was moving near him. He knew this because he kept hearing leaves crunching as he walked and as he stopped walking. As he slowly turned around he saw a big black panther. John did not know how to react so he started running down the trail but the panther was slowly catching up to him.

While John was approaching a turn he noticed a bright orange jacket. He had no clue what was going on so he started yelling for help. It  turned out that the yellow jacket guy was a hunter looking for some panthers. Johns luck turned around and he asked the hunter to help him. As the panther was getting close the hunter shot the panther and he was very happy. John was very happy that he was saved from a hunter and the hunter was happy he finally found his panther to kill.
The hunter said  “hi my name is bill thank you for the panther.”
John said  “ no problem thank you for saving me!”
After John's scary adventure in the Rain forest, he had learned a lesson to find out what to do when you run into a panther and how to spot them. After a year had past he had the guts to go back onto the same trail and hike it again. When he was thinking about it he called up bill and said he was going up there again. He also told him that he finally found out how to spot panthers so bill got happy and said
“I want to go with you so you can go help me spot some panthers I could kill.” John then said“okay we will be leaving in two days”
John and the hunter bill became very good friends and ended up going to the Amazon Rain forest every year. They went for the same reason every year which was to go hunting for some panthers and John was always the one looking for them and bill was the one that shot them. The lesson was that if you help someone when they need help they will eventually help you out on something you need help with.

Thursday, January 7, 2016